Aside from Lucy: Upgrades

27 Dec

Upgrades are a great thing.  Upgrading your car, house, wardrobe, hairstyle and your phone are some that come to mind.  Today I upgraded my Palm Smartphone (which sometimes was smarter than me) to a blackberry 3G curve and I think I made a great decision.  After my 100 dollar mail in rebate I really only paid $18 dollars for my phone.  I am enjoying this phone very much and I am still getting used to it and I love challenges so if this phone brings me a challenge I’ll gladly virtually say “bring it on.”

I get bored real easy; I mean I have been known to change my hair color from brunette to blonde or change my hair from straight to curly just like that. In my “current” college history I have changed schools twice and majors three times and as I am going to complete my B.A. in elementary education because children interest and challenge me time and time again I wonder why I like to switch things up so much.

Maybe it’s because I am not boring and I do not like boring people.  I would rather have a pillow fight with my girlfriends rather than going to an opera.  (Now musicals are a different story, I love musicals)!

Usually the people working the Verizon kiosk have “time” to transfer your contacts from your old phone to your new one but today with it being just two days after Christmas, I would have had to wait a long time for all of my past pictures and contacts to be transferred to my new from my old cellular unit.  I politely told the ladies working the kiosk never mind, that I would transfer the contacts by typing them into my new phone from the old one.

Looking at all my old contacts I realized that about half of my contacts are “past tense”, meaning the guy, temporary girlfriend, or short-term acquaintance were all a part of my past self.  I simply keyed in all of those in my contact book who still mean something to me and knowing that I mean something to them is how I made my final decision to keep them or to toss them.

It felt good to leave those contacts that have no present contact with me in the past where they belong.  Just like I have left my old self in the past and as I welcome my new self with open arms who is stronger, more courageous, even more determined and successful then her old self was.

I believe upgrading can be a good thing as long as you upgrade all the right things.  I took three hours at the kiosk today but I know I made the right decision.  I sometimes rush into things, don’ think and just do it but sometimes I take my time and chose wisely.  So whether we are upgrading are car, phone, look, house, house or office or classroom décor remember upgrading is an exciting thing as long as we are ready for the change and our comfortable with the new and our ok with forgetting the old.

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